Braunstone Village is now a designated Conservation Area
Braunstone Town Council is pleased to announce that Braunstone Village has been designated as a Conservation Area.
Since 2021, the Town Council have been working closely with Blaby District Council and Leicester City Council to both develop proposals and consider the merits of the southern side of Main Street/Braunstone Lane becoming a Conservation Area.
Following a public consultation on the proposals in June and July, Blaby District Council on 24th September 2024 unanimously approved the designation and adopted both the Character Appraisal and Management Plan. This new Conservation Area complements the existing Conservation Area on the northern side of Main Street/Braunstone Lane (within Leicester City's administrative area), which was designated in 1974.
Councillor Nick Brown, Leader of Braunstone Town Council, said “I am delighted that the special character of the Village will be both protected and enhanced for future generations. I would like to thank those residents, including the local history and heritage groups, that got actively involved and contributed towards the development of the proposals. I also wish to thank all three Councils, particularly the Councillors and Officers involved, who worked together to deliver the vision for the whole of our historic village to be given conservation area status".
Conservation Area Documents
- Map of Designated Braunstone Village Conservation Area
- Braunstone Village (in Braunstone Town, Blaby District) Character Appraisal
- Braunstone Village Management Plan
Public Consultation
In December 2021 and January 2022, Braunstone Town Council undertook a survey, and invited comments, to ascertain whether there was support for a Conservation Area. A summary of the results can be found here.
Following the development of draft proposals, in June and July 2024, Blaby District Council, as the local planning authority, formally consulted on the proposals for a potential new Conservation Area in Braunstone Village, to the south of Main Street/Braunstone Lane.
Copies of the consultation documents are available below:
- Braunstone Village Conservation Area Character Appraisal
- Braunstone Village Conservation Area Management Plan
- Map Of Proposed Braunstone Village Conservation Area
32 individual letters and forms were received, as well as 2 letters with multiple signatories (11 and 8 signatures respectively). The responses, and any changes made to the proposals as a result are detailed in the Consultation Statement.
What is a Conservation Area?
Conservation Areas are designated by the local planning authority due to their special historic and architectural interest.
In these areas, the preservation and enhancement of the existing townscape, alongside individual buildings, is of particular importance.
A Character Appraisal of the Braunstone Village Conservation Area has been approved. This highlights the area’s historic, architectural,archaeological and townscape interest, which is considered sufficient to merit its protection.
A combined Management Plan has also been approved for the new Conservation Area and the existing Conservation Area adjacent, which is located within the administrative area of Leicester City Council.
The Management Plan sets out proposals and actions to preserve and enhance its special character. Designation as a Conservation Area would impose additional planning controls, including on ‘Permitted Development’ rights (rights that allow certain works to becarried out without a planning application). They would not prevent development from taking place but would help ensure it maintains and enhances the area’s special qualities.
Proposed Article 4 Direction
With designation of the conservation area, a ‘non-immediate’ Article 4 Direction has been approved, set out in the Management plan at pages 15 and 16. This applies to specific properties (19 in total, as listed on page 20 of the Management Plan) and would restrict Permitted Development rights further as an additional control.
The Direction does not come into force for a period of 12 months.
Prior to coming into force there will be a 6 week consultation involving letters to the affected properties, site notices and a press notice. Blaby District Council as the Planning Authority will confirm within 6 months of making the direction (i.e. immediately following the conservation area designation) whether it is decided to proceed with its implementation or allow it to lapse, in light of any representations to received.
Updated: September 2024